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It is impossible to provide a single price for all manufactured homes as there are too many factors to consider in arriving at a single price for prefabricated homes.
However, it is possible to estimate the value using the chosen purchase formula:
The formula of the self-builder
This formula requires a great deal of knowledge in construction and a lot of time to devote to the construction of your manufactured home. This formula allows you to save money.
In the majority of cases, people who opt for this purchase formula buy houses that are ready to go up. The house is delivered to you in parts and you assemble it by yourself.
The formula for handy persons
Are you a handy person without being a construction specialist? This formula saves money in exchange for a little of your time and expertise.
You will be able to do the plumbing and electrical connections, the laying of floors, and the painting, among others.
The turn-key formula
This is the most expensive purchase formula but you do not have to give your time for the construction of the prefabricated house.
Depending on the type of purchase formula that matches your skills and the amount of time you can and would like to spend on the construction project, the price will increase or decrease depending on your level of commitment.
Other factors also influence the price paid for a manufactured home in Quebec:
Although it’s impossible to set a standard price because of all the factors that can influence the cost of your manufactured home, we can still give you a good idea of the prices of a manufactured home:
Please note that these prices exclude the purchase of the land.
In short, the principle to remember is that you can save money based on your level of involvement.
The advantages of buying a prefabricated house in Quebec
A valid question is: why choose a manufactured home rather than a conventional home?
In fact, there are several differences between the construction of a prefabricated house and a conventional house:
How long does the construction of a manufactured house take?
This is a question whose answers also vary according to certain factors.
The type of prefabricated house will greatly affect the duration of the work. Here are some different methods that will give you an idea of the time required for the construction of your prefabricated house.
The panel house is easy to assemble because it consists of pre-assembled walls that are transported directly to the job site. You will find it is quick to assemble the basic structure of your home on your land with this option. You can then finalize the work by yourself or leave everything in the hands of the manufacturer.
As far as the modular house is concerned, almost all of it is done in the factory and finishing on the building site is less demanding than for the panel house. We are referring to the plumbing, electrical, finishing, and waterproofing work that must be done after the modules are delivered to the foundation of your manufactured home.
Manufactured homes are mounted on the site but some of the work is still done in the factory. To save time in constructing the house, all the necessary materials are put in a kit and numbered. The construction time, therefore, varies depending on the time required to assemble and erect your house.
The prefabricated piece-by-piece house is partially factory-built as this process consists of producing the necessary beams and planks that will fit into each other once on your property. This type of assembly is a little more subject to the weather conditions which can slow down the process.
Generally, the more a manufactured house is factory-built, the shorter the time required to complete the project.
Steps for the construction of a prefabricated house
Before you can start putting together your pre-designed home, there are several steps to take:
After these steps, you can finally settle in your new home!
Compare prices for the construction of your prefabricated house
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